Goddess Reclaimed

A Journey into True Self-Love, Sexual Healing & Sensual Radiance

A 15-week group sisterhood course to transform your whole world into an orgasmic ocean of Love & Bliss

Hello Sister Goddess,

I am sooo happy you are here!!!

Seriously, just you being on this page right now is sending a ripple of love to my heart and a golden ray of sunshine into the collective consciousness.

deep within – straight to

You know

Root down into the soil of Mama Gaia, and feel her heartbeat infuse your body with codes of wisdom and love.

Time to stop giving your power away and claim your right to inhabit this body as a sacred temple, deserving of pure. worship.

You feel in your heart that…

your core – that it is time to…

Even though you are afraid, you are ready – so fucking ready! – for more love – more joy, more ease, more YES. You are ready to heal and love and nourish yourself so deeply that you overflow with abundant joy to share with the world.

Because a powerful part of you is calling you to step up. To rise from the ashes of patriarchal wounding and claim your womanhood, your femininity, your Shakti. And you. are. listening.

A voice within you is saying “enough.” Enough to the disconnection, the shame, the shut-down, the “I’m not enough” story. Enough to the repression and the exploitation of the Goddess.


you can

SHE is ready for you to come home. To honor her – to cleanse the wounds, the shame, the trauma. To awaken the pleasure, the orgasmic radiance, the infinite creative power that has always been your birthright.


your womb, your yoni – your holy flower of creation – pulsing between your thighs with the message that…

You feel within every cell of your body that it is time to…

Time to receive nectar from the breast of the Great Mother and RE-WILD yourself in the fluid, sensual, erotic ocean of Divine Love, and feel bliss tingling throughout your entire being, fueling your life to be a grand. masterpiece. of utter. magic. 

be free.

You want to feel held in a safe container of amazing women who will witness you, hold you, love you, and support you to blossom into your best self!

I’m right here with you, sister. I am all too familiar with the pain and frustration that comes with being disconnected from my power, my pleasure, and my Truth.

And, I also know how EPICALLY DELICIOUS it feels to shake off the conditioning and step into myself as the Goddess I truly am!

And you’re tired of walking the path alone.

AAAANND! I whole-heartedly believe that this transformation occurs on a miraculously rapid and deep level when we do it in sisterhood.


Yeah, I get it – sisterhood wounds.

 They run deep. I can recall many heart/gut-wrenching moments of betrayal, slut-shaming, comparison, competition and tears that occurred in my younger years when deeply entrenched in a patriarchy-sickened collective field.

  But since then I’ve spent so many hours enveloped in the embrace of true sisterhood, that I can say with absolute confidence that these wounds are just wounds, waiting for our compassion and our waves of deep, healing breaths.

True sisterhood feels…

Non-Judgmental Compassionate

Super freeing
And soooul god(dess)-
damn nourishing! 

So, beautiful sister!

Are you READY for…

Deep Self-Love
Sexual Healing
Sensual Radiance
 Sacred Boundaries
Abundant Creativity
An Orgasmically Juicy, Yummy,  YES! YES! YES!-filled life
True Sisterhood
And basically, just all-around becoming a DIVINE-MOTHA-FUCKIN GODDESS…?

What’s included

In Goddess Reclaimed? 

13 Modules over 15 weeks

Each module will focus on a unique topic and provide you with tools and practices to support your healing and goddess awakening journey.

more details »

Weekly Sister Circles

(held live via Zoom)
 We will start our journey off with an opening ceremony circle for introductions, setting intentions, and creating our container.

more details »

Access to a Private Facebook Group

Have a question? Want to share something, be witnessed, celebrated, and/or receive support from me and your sisters? Come into our Facebook group! 

Lifetime Access

There is no rush or time limit to completing the course, as we all have our own unique healing process. 

more details »


1 Private 45-minute Coaching Session with Me ($300 value)

You can use this anytime throughout the duration of the course for extra support!

Super Sexy Discount on Optional Additional Coaching

I want you to feel sooo supported during this journey, so if at any time during the course you desire more personal care, you can book 1:1 sessions with me for an extra special price.  

There will be two integration weeks spaced out throughout the course so you have plenty of time to digest all of the magic.  

Video & PDF how-to’s, info guides, practices & rituals to activate the feminine frequency and up-level your womanhood
Potent self-inquiry journal prompts to help you receive guidance from your inner oracle

13 Modules over 15 weeks

Each module will focus on a unique topic and provide you with tools and practices to support your healing and goddess awakening journey.

Sacred, womb-heart infused, goddess-blessed, ahh-mazing guided audio journeys, meditations, & wisdom shares to help you claim your queendom 

Bonus meditations, practices, and resources



(held live via Zoom) We will start our journey off with an opening ceremony circle for introductions, setting intentions, and creating our container.

Then each week (except during the two integration weeks) we will gather to share, witness each other and be held in love. We can dance, play, laugh, cry, celebrate each other, and just be women together. 

(And not that I’m suggesting it, but even if you never practice any of the weekly content and just come to the sister circles, this course will be totally worth it. That’s how beautiful, powerful and transformative sisterhood truly is!)

All calls will be recorded so you can always receive the love even when you can’t show up live.

We will have a special closing ceremony call at the end of the 15 weeks.

Weekly Sister Circles

Come as you are. Shy, bold, quiet, loud, fierce, gentle, silly, witchy, sexy, tired, bleeding, ovulating, in your pajamas or your wedding dress, all expressions of you are welcome.  



Self-love, sexual healing and feminine reclamation is very much a non-linear journey (I mean, hey, who would the goddess be without all those beautiful curves?).  

All of the practices are designed for you to dive into again and again – each time will offer you an opportunity to continue weaving the tapestry of your most authentic self.  

You will also have access to any updates I may make to the course over time, and all of the content is available for you to download if you wish.

Lifetime Access

There is no rush or time limit to completing the course, as we all have our own unique healing process. 



A Peek into the

Right upon sign-up, you will receive an intro module with juicy things like celebration, intention setting, a water blessing practice, bonus resources…(oh, and more celebration, of course!)



Create a strong internal bond with your goddess self, and learn to listen to her, receive her guidance, honor her needs, and open to her desires. Bringing her into your daily life.

Module 1


Opening the Gateway – Centering with Your Inner Goddess



Meditations to meet & connect with your inner goddess
Creating your magical goddess altar

Learn how to treat yourself with the utmost compassion, kindness and care as a foundational pillar of your life.

Module 2


Cultivating Self-Love



Inner smile meditation
Inner child meditation & journaling

Learn how to treat yourself with the utmost compassion, kindness and care as a foundational pillar of your life.

Module 2


Cultivating Self-Love



Inner smile meditation
Inner child meditation & journaling

Dive deep into your heart space where you can cleanse old wounds, and tap into the power of your true and eternal nature as pure, unconditional love. 

Module 3


Entering the Heart



Journey with Mother Goddess Kuan Yin
Awakening heart consciousness 
Heart excavation journaling 
BONUS: Nourishing rose milk bath

Dive deep into your heart space where you can cleanse old wounds, and tap into the power of your true and eternal nature as pure, unconditional love.

Module 3


Entering the Heart



Journey with Mother Goddess Kuan Yin
Awakening heart consciousness 
Heart excavation journaling 
BONUS: Nourishing rose milk bath

Cleanse negative stories around your beautiful breasts and learn all about the magic of breast massage!

Module 4


Loving Your Breasts



Breast story telling 
Breast healing with the Divine Mother
Breast massage how-to guide, video demos, & audio practice
BONUS: Quickie breast love meditation

Cleanse negative stories around your beautiful breasts and learn all about the magic of breast massage!

Module 4


Loving Your Breasts



Breast story telling 
Breast healing with the Divine Mother
Breast massage how-to guide, video demos, & audio practice
BONUS: Quickie breast love meditation

Learn about the power and wisdom of the womb space (available to you whether or not you have a physical uterus), cleanse and heal toxic energies in your womb temple, and tap into moon magic.

Module 5


Diving into the Waters of the Womb



Womb garden healing activation
Lunar water ritual
BONUS: Sunshine heart-yoni meditation
BONUS: Womb healing prayers

Learn about the power and wisdom of the womb space (available to you whether or not you have a physical uterus), cleanse and heal toxic energies in your womb temple, and tap into moon magic.

Module 5


Diving into the Waters of the Womb



Womb garden healing activation
Lunar water ritual
BONUS: Sunshine heart-yoni meditation
BONUS: Womb healing prayers

Bringing conscious presence into your yoni temple through breath and grounding touch.

Module 6


Yoni Love – Gentle Connection



Yoni breathing
Yoni cupping
BONUS: Naming your sex 

Bringing conscious presence into your yoni temple through breath and grounding touch.

Module 6


Yoni Love – Gentle Connection



Yoni breathing
Yoni cupping
BONUS: Naming your sex

Learn a powerful technique to cleanse shame and fall in love with your sacred flower.

Module 7


Your Yoni is Gorgeous – Worshiping the Portal to Enlightenment



Yoni gazing meditation
Deepening practices

Learn a powerful technique to cleanse shame and fall in love with your sacred flower.

Module 7


Your Yoni is Gorgeous – Worshiping the Portal to Enlightenment



Yoni gazing meditation
Deepening practices

Time to put your crown on and come into alignment with your authentic Truth – listening to your yoni as queen.

Module 8


Yoni Speaks – Honoring Needs, Desires, Boundaries & Making New Commitments to Self



Yoni self-inquiry meditation

Time to put your crown on and come into alignment with your authentic Truth – listening to your yoni as queen.

Module 8


Yoni Speaks – Honoring Needs, Desires, Boundaries & Making New Commitments to Self



Yoni self-inquiry meditation

Expand into your yoni’s exquisite capacity to heal and feel through loving awareness. Awakening pleasure through presence. Making offerings and sharing heart blessings with the yoni temple.

Module 9


Yoni Love – Connecting Even Deepe



Pussy presence 
Pilgrimage to the Pussy Palace

Expand into your yoni’s exquisite capacity to heal and feel through loving awareness. Awakening pleasure through presence. Making offerings and sharing heart blessings with the yoni temple.

Module 9


Yoni Love – Connecting Even Deeper



Pussy presence 
Pilgrimage to the Pussy Palace

Learn about and connect with your sacred, mystical, incredible, wise, pleasure-filled cervix (which, by the way, is your root chakra)! 

Module 10


Power, Pleasure & Magic at the Root – Loving Your Cervix



Root chakra cervix meditation
Heart-Cervix-Earth breathwork

Learn about and connect with your sacred, mystical, incredible, wise, pleasure-filled cervix (which, by the way, is your root chakra)! 

Module 10


Power, Pleasure & Magic at the Root – Loving Your Cervix



Root chakra cervix meditation
Heart-Cervix-Earth breathwork

Discover the whys and how-to’s of the infamous yoni egg.

Module 11


The Yoni Egg – Your Magical Goddess Tool for Self-Love & Sexual Awakening



Yoni egg guided ritual

Discover the whys and how-to’s of the infamous yoni egg.

Module 11


The Yoni Egg – Your Magical Goddess Tool for Self-Love & Sexual Awakening



Yoni egg guided ritual

Dive into the incredible healing power of yoni massage. Learn de-armoring techniques to support you in releasing trauma, tension and unhealthy energies from your yoni tissues, so that you can access delicious pleasure and orgasmic bliss.

Module 12


Clearing the Way for Deep Pleasure – The Art of Yoni De-Armoring



Yoni de-armoring guided ritual

Dive into the incredible healing power of yoni massage. Learn de-armoring techniques to support you in releasing trauma, tension and unhealthy energies from your yoni tissues, so that you can access delicious pleasure and orgasmic bliss. 

Module 12


Clearing the Way for Deep Pleasure – The Art of Yoni De-Armoring



Yoni de-armoring guided ritual

Tune into the power of your senses and learn how to use them for ultimate pleasure. Blessing your body temple with all the juicy, sexy, blissful, orgasmic, loving YUMMINESS, so that you can start bringing your full ‘fuck yes!’ into everything you do!

Module 13


Claiming your Pleasure & Becoming a Sensually Embodied Goddess Queen!



Sensory awakening ritual
Exploring sensual touch 
Pleasure self-inquiry
BONUS: Sensual showering

Tune into the power of your senses and learn how to use them for ultimate pleasure. Blessing your body temple with all the juicy, sexy, blissful, orgasmic, loving YUMMINESS, so that you can start bringing your full ‘fuck yes!’ into everything you do!

Module 13


Claiming your Pleasure & Becoming a Sensually Embodied Goddess Queen!



Sensory awakening ritual
Exploring sensual touch 
Pleasure self-inquiry
BONUS: Sensual showering

client love

“I’ve had a session with Tiffany as well as sat in her women’s circle and I can say that she has a gift for holding space. She is highly intuitive, knowledgeable, and sensitive to the needs of the client and group so that you feel safe in both healing and connecting with her as well as other women in the group. She also carries a passion for what she does that helps you to drop in and also get excited to explore the topic at hand. I’d highly recommend her work.” 

-Courtney Alex Aldor

Sexy Investment

Because investing in yourself is HOT!

Pay in Full: $1333 USD (Save $131)

Payment Plan: 3 monthly payments of $488 USD


*Option for Bonus Additional Coaching, which you can book with me any time you desire extra care during our journey: $188/session (normally $300)

Sister Love,

I promise you from the depths of my heart-womb that you not only have the capacity to live a life of absolute bliss, but that all you are yearning for already exists within you… 

Sexual sovereignty
Orgasmic pleasure
Juicy, authentic connection
Womb-centered creativity
Shame-free, unapologetic wise-wild-woman WHOLENESS

…It is and always has been


This course is simply here as a reminder, a support tool, a loving guide to help you come home to yourself.

 Because it. is. time. for us all to RECLAIM the Goddess!

13 Magical Modules, 15 weeks
Powerful Embodiment Practices, Rituals, and Teachings
Live Sister Circles (via Zoom)
Private Facebook Group
Lifetime Access
BONUS One 1:1 Coaching Session with Me! (Plus: discounted additional coaching throughout the program if/when you desire)